How to Meditate

The beautiful thing about meditation is that you can start at anytime, can practice anywhere and at anytime of day. The more you practice the easier it becomes. and it is a practice that can be completely tailored to you.

Meditation leads to a more agile and healthier brain and engages your parasympathetic nervous system. So what are you waiting for?

1. Find your Space

Find a space that is quiet. You can choose to sit cross legged or lie down, whatever position feels most comfortable to you. Start small and choose a manageable length of time. I suggest 5 or 10 min to get started with. The amount of time you have for meditation may also need to be flexible from day to day and that’s okay.

2. Notice your Breath

Feel the sensation of your breath as you breath in and out. Is it cold? Is it shallow? What sensations do you feel? Just notice it in its natural state and use your breath to ground you.

3. The Wandering Mind

Your mind will wander, that’s okay. There is no way to stop your thoughts but rather learn to observe them and let them pass. You may be thinking of your to do list, what is for dinner, the meeting you have tomorrow, what you forgot to do, a test or exam, what your friend said yesterday. The list could go on and on. When you notice these thoughts simply return your attention to your breath over and over again.

4. Self Compassion

Don’t obsess over your thoughts, don’t judge them. This will allow you space to investigate and defuse your thoughts. You will learn how to choose your perspective and in turn your reaction.

That’s the practice! Your mind will wander, you notice it, let it go and focus on your breath to bring yourself back.

I started my meditation practice with guided meditations and still love them! See my list of favorites below.


Recommended Meditations

Insight Timer is a free app that has thousands of guided meditations, talks and music to choose from.

My Favs:

Sarah Blondin- Remembering your Worth and Transforming Fear, Learning to Surrender

Tess Sloane- Grounding Meditation to Shift your Vibration

Mary Maddux- Relax Into Sleep: Guided Practice

Lynette Suchar- Wake up to the Present Moment

Kenneth Soares- I AM Morning Affirmations, 6 Minutes of Courage, Confidence & Positive Energy

In Ontario:

Hoame- Toronto’s Largest Mediation Studio ( I am telling you the best!)

Coach Carey

Check out this article for 30 more meditation exercises and activities.


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