What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being aware of what is happening in your mind and body in the present moment, without judgment. It is the practice of noticing your thoughts and emotions, with acceptance and learning to regulate one’s mind and body to find balance.

The Types of Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness has a vast array of practices and applications, this is by no means an exhaustive list. If you are just beginning your mindfulness journey choose one practice you feel drawn toward and get started.


Learning to observe your thoughts and emotions

Breath Work

Mindful Pause

Mindful Eating

Mindful Movement


Self- Care

The Benefits of Mindfulness Practice:

When we’re mindful, we reduce stress and anxiety, reduce rumination and bring awareness to our thoughts. Mindfulness helps increase emotional regulation and expression, increase clarity and focus and enhances ease and positive emotional states.

Aside from the above benefits mindfulness has been linked to improved sleep, a boost in immune system function, and improved interpersonal skills. It cultivates self compassion and acceptance and creates a greater sense of calm and balance.


Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio


How to Overcome Obstacles to Mindfulness